Apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in ARED Iosia

Apartamentul este decomandat, amplasat la etajul 2 al unui bloc cu 8 etaje. Masoara o suprafata utila de 39 mp si se compune din living cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open-space, dormitor, baie cu cada si bideu si balcon deschis.
Locuinta este dotata cu gresie si faianta, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVC, usi de interior din MDF si usa metalica, de siguranta, la intrare. Incalzirea este in pardoseala, realizata prin reteaua de termoficare a orasului, cu punct termic propriu al blocului. Dispune si de termostat ambiental si aer conditionat pentru confortul termic optim.
Ca si utilitati, noii chiriasi vor beneficia de masina de spalat haine, videointerfon, frigider, plita pe inductie si hota, cuptor electric si televizor. In pretul de inchiriere este inclus si un loc de parcare.
Se inchiriaza complet mobilat si utilat.
Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat in ARED Iosia este de 360 euro/luna
Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la:
Nr. Tel.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro
De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob.
D`Art Imob real estate agency offers you a 2-room apartment for rent in ARED Iosia
The apartment is detached, located on the 2nd floor of an 8-storey building. It measures a usable area of 39 square meters and consists of living room with kitchen and open-space dining area, bedroom, bathroom with tub and bidet and open balcony.
The home is equipped with ceramic wall and floor tiles, double glazed windows with PVC joinery, MDF interior doors and metal door, security, at the entrance. The heating is in the floor, made through the district heating network, with its own thermal point of the block. It also has an ambient thermostat and air conditioning for optimal thermal comfort.
As utilities, the new tenants will benefit from a washing machine, video intercom, refrigerator, induction hob and hood, electric oven and TV. A parking space is included in the rental price.
Fully furnished and equipped for rent.
The price for this 2-room apartment for rent in ARED Iosia is 360 euro / month
For additional details, informations and visits, you can contact us at:
Tel No.: 0767 145 857 – Ramona Tica
e-mail: [email protected]
Or at the contact section of our site: www.dartimob.ro
You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page. Romimo_1736414960
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